It takes Big Shoulders to carry a child's dreams.
Why Our Schools
Early Childhood Education
Academy of St. Benedict the African*
Annunciata School*
St. Agnes of Bohemia School
St. Ailbe School*
St. Anastasia Catholic School
St. Angela School*
St. Ann School*
Augustus Tolton Academy*
St. Bede the Venerable School
Bridgeport Catholic Academy
Saints Bruno & Richard School
St. Catherine of Siena/St. Lucy School*
Children of Peace School*
St. Constance School*
Epiphany Catholic School*
St. Ethelreda School*
St. Ferdinand School
St. Frances of Rome Catholic School*
St. Gabriel School
St. Gall School*
St. Genevieve School*
St. Helen School
St. Hilary School
Holy Angels School*
Immaculate Conception School*
St. John de la Salle Catholic Academy*
St. Malachy School*
St. Margaret of Scotland School*
St. Mary of the Angels School
St. Mary of the Lake School
St. Mary Star of the Sea School*
Maternity BVM School*
St. Matthias School
San Miguel School
Most Blessed Trinity Academy*
St. Nicholas Cathedral School
St. Nicholas of Tolentine School*
Northside Catholic Academy
Our Lady of Grace School*
Our Lady of Guadalupe School*
Our Lady of the Snows Catholic School
Our Lady of Tepeyac Elementary School*
St. Philip Neri School*
St. Pius V School*
Pope John Paull II Catholic School*
St. Procopius School
Queen of the Universe School*
St. Sabina Academy*
Sacred Heart School*
St. Stanislaus Kostka School
St. Sylvester School*
St. Symphorosa School
St. Therese Chinse Catholic School St. Therese Campus
St. Therese Chinese Catholic School St. Barbara Campus
St. Thomas the Apostle School
St. Thomas of Canterbury School
St. Viator School
Visitation School*
St. Walter- St. Benedict School
St. William School
Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory School
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep
De La Salle Institute
DePaul College Prep High School
St. Francis de Sales High School*
Holy Trinity High School
Josephinum Academy of the Sacred Heart
Leo Catholic High School
Mount Carmel High School
Our Lady of Tepeyac High School
St. Rita of Cascia High School
*Big Shoulders Fund Plus Schools